When you have problems with your water heater they're impossible to ignore. After all, they're affecting one of the most vital things in your home: your water supply. Whether you're experiencing a lack of hot water, notice noises coming from your water heater or even have orange-colored water, you'll want the problem taken care of right away.
Our plumbers in Los Gatos can do this for you. Let our experienced and professional Los Gatos water heater repair team address your water heater needs without delay. We're familiar with everything that goes wrong with a water heater and how to overcome them.
No hot water. The heart of this problem lies in whether or not you have a gas or electric water heater. In an electric water heater, you heating element may have gone bad or you may have a faulty electric thermostat. If your water heater is gas-run you may have a problem with your pilot light, pilot control valve or the thermocouple. Our certified plumbers in Los Gatos can check each of these elements for you.
Not enough hot water. Not having enough water may mean that your water heater isn't large enough to meet the demand being put on it. Older homes often had smaller water heaters installed. If you have a family of three or more, it may just not be able to produce enough for what you need. It may be time to think about purchasing a new unit. Los Gatos plumbers can offer you a wide variety of products to choose from, all top-quality and suited to your needs. Also, one of the heating elements may have gone bad, meaning that even though your tank is big enough, not enough of the water is being heated. Our reliable and ethical plumbers will discover which route is the smartest and most cost-efficient to take.
Orange water. If the inner lining of your water heater is glass, this could be a sign that the lining is rusting. Or your anode rod may be failing.
These are just a few of the problems homeowners experience with their water heaters. Our plumbers in Los Gatos have seen them all and much more. They're adept at handling each problem, knowing what things could be wrong and how to address them in a way that saves you time and money.
Give Los Gatos a call if you're experiencing problems with your water heater. We look forward to serving your needs.